Pulmonary Rehabilitation

It helps individuals manage their breathing problem, increases stamina (energy) and decreases breathlessness. The goals of pulmonary rehabilitation are to reduce symptoms, decrease disability, increase participation in physical and social activities and improve overall quality of life.

Who is eligible for pulmonary rehabilitation?

You are eligible to participate in the pulmonary rehab program if you have been diagnosed with any of the following conditions:

  • Chronic lung diseases
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • Asthma
  • Chronic bronchitis
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Sarcoidosis
  • Before or after chest/lung surgery

Pulmonary rehabilitation includes the following components:

  • Assessment: by a Physician, Physical therapist, Psychologist and Nutritionist
  • Education: on topics relevant to your chronic lung condition
  • Exercise: to help you breathe better and do more activities
  • Psychosocial: to help you succeed in smoking cessation and cope better
  • Nutrition: to help you with your food choices and weight issues

During your rehab program, you will attend 2-3 sessions a week for 6-12 weeks at Cardiac Wellness Institute. After the program, you will continue the exercises at home and will be followed up by our team on a regular basis.

Benefits of pulmonary rehabilitation

There are numerous benefits of attending a pulmonary rehab program. Just like a parachute’s many strings that add value to the person, so also the individual benefits of pulmonary rehab add up to overall health and wellbeing of the participant.

For further information on the services we provide, please get in touch with us.