
A to Z of a heart-healthy lifestyle


We introduce the English alphabets to our kids at a very young age hoping that their language skills and intellect will start developing as they master their A to Z. Likewise, let us try to understand the building blocks of a healthy heart through this set of lifestyle guidelines.

A Avoid tobacco products and alcoholic beverages
B Balance your diet by including fruits, veggies and whole grains
C Cheer up and be grateful for what you have
D Discover your hidden talents and use them
E Engage in some form of exercise everyday
F Fruits – everyday; fast foods & fried foods – very rarely
G Goal setting is a useful tool to improve health
H Help others as much as you can
I Invest time in building friendships and relationships
J Juices should ideally be fresh, homemade and sugar free
K Kill the sitting habit; get up and walk as much as possible
L Love unconditionally – Learn a new skill – Leave the past behind
M Make meditation a part of your life
N Nature is all around for us to enjoy, protect it and pass it on
O Open up your feelings to your loved ones
P Play games that bring back memories of childhood
Q Quitting smoking is the best gift you can give yourself
R Refresh your body and soul with active hobbies
S Smile as much as you can; sleep at least 6-7 hours per day
T Television/gadget time should be kept to a minimum
U Use your time wisely – don’t use lack of time as an excuse
V Visit your physician regularly to keep your health in check
W Water – drink a lot; Walking – brisk walk is the most effective
X Xpect less out of others and give more from yourself
Y Young at heart is a feeling, it is a state of mind that can beat aging
Z Zealously follow your dreams but don’t lose track of your health

If we can lead this lifestyle and set an example for our youngsters to follow, there is going to be a sea of change in how they care for themselves as they grow up.

When the going gets tough, the tough get going – Old Saying

Tough are those who are resilient to unhealthy habits – New Saying